Paul Davenport

Paul has participated in Friends work sessions since 2006, volunteering on right-of-way crews in recent years. He is assistant leader of two sign maintenance crews and leads the tree and brush crew. Paul’s work with tree and brush projects included leading a 2021 special project that cleared storm damage along the ROW before the railroad’s operating season. Paul’s enthusiasm for the Friends’ preservation work is illustrated by work session participation by Paul’s wife, daughter, brothers and brother-in-law. Paul’s other Friends involvement includes submitting photos for Friends calendars, producing curriculum for the virtual education program, researching historic D&RGW signs and writing articles for the Dispatch. A 2022 guide to railfanning the C&TS was a favorite project. Co-written with another volunteer, the guide featured location tips and photographs solicited from railfans with extensive experience photographing the C&TS. Paul lives in Phoenix and is a University of Arizona graduate. He retired in 2022 after 44 years as a journalist, most of that time with The Associated Press. He is a board member of a voluntary neighborhood association, volunteers for a citywide neighborhood coalition and works on Habitat for Humanity salvage crews.