Work Session Volunteer Registration

Wondering which project to select?

Want to volunteer - see what is available - watch the video

Thinking of volunteering?
Is it your first time?
Wondering what is involved?
Not certain if you have the right skills?
Need help filling in the forms?
Need a knowledgeable person to talk to?

2024 Registration Page Image
Friends of Cumbres & Toltec Railroad Volunteers

We understand how difficult it is to try something new and how important it is to have answers before you commit to being a volunteer. The Friends have knowledgeable, experienced volunteers who will answer your questions and address your concerns. These seasoned volunteers can help you through the registration process; explain how to fill out forms and which forms are needed; help you decide which project best fits your skills. Just send us an e-mail and we will try and help.

If you wish to speak with one of us directly, please include your phone number and the best time to call.

We will be happy to discuss any part of the volunteer program as we’ve seen and done a lot and are eager to share our experiences. Send us an e-mail and we will do our best to get back to you the same day.

Ian Kelly...........
Don Atkinson..........

Updated: March 23, 2023


In view of the possible shortage of accommodation in Chama, plans for the 2023 work sessions have changed! Sessions C & D will now be based in both Chama and Antonito. Sessions A, B, E, F and G will be based only in Antonito. Support for remote projects will still be provided from the scheduled session location.


2023 RESTORATION PROJECT PLAN & SCHEDULE - The schedule can be printed as a PDF in color or gray

Volunteer Handbook (R-1) – Description of the Friends Volunteer Program

Scheduled Session Registration (R-2) – Registration used for Scheduled Sessions A through G

Special Session Registration (R-2S) – ‘Outside of Sessions’ Session H; Docents Session I; Interpretations Session J & COS Work Site

Bunkcar Policy and Procedures (R-6) – Provided bunkhouse rules while in Antonito

Friends Safety Manual (R-8) – Digital manual updated December 19, 2022 volunteer need to read Part 1

Lodging for Antonito and Chama (R-9) – Provides local lodging information and discounts for members

Engraved Name Badge (R-10) – Name Badge shown on Order Form

T-shirt Order Form (R-11) – For 2023 there are two options for the Session T-shirt

Personal Safety Equipment (R-12) – Safety Equipment available at cost equipment shown with Order Form

Standards for Preservation (R-17) Secretary of Interior’s Standards – Extract of standards for Friends unitization on the National Landmark


In the meantime, work at the Colorado Springs (COS) Work Site continues on the restoration of D&RG baggage/express car 163, on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays of the month.


The following forms are to be used for those who would like to volunteer at the Colorado Springs (COS) Work Site

Instructions for Colorado Springs Work Site (R-1B) - Provides details of what volunteers must do to work at (COS) Work Site

Special Session Registration (R-2S) - Used to sign up for Colorado Springs (COS) Work Site

Friends Safety Manual (R-8) - Digital manual updated December 19, 2022 volunteer to read part 1

Standards for Preservation (R-17) Secretary of Interior’s Standards - Extract of standards for Friends unitization

Membership Application for PPHSRF (R-29) - Trolley Museum membership application required for Colorado Springs (COS) Work Site

Please complete the registration form R-2S (page 1 and 2), include payment by CC or check; fax, mail or e-mail the completed form to:

Friends of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, Inc.
4421 McLeod NE, Suite F
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Phone: 505-880-1311
Fax: 505-856-7543


Training Time Accounting System

Training First Time Log-In On FIDO

FIDO For Team Leaders

View the FIDO Training Video

View Team Leader & Alternate Meeting 2-19-2023

Team Leader Access to FIDO

Updated: October 10th, 2024

Our work is done for 2024! Many thanks to everyone who volunteered and made the journey to Chama or Antonito. A lot was achieved on a wide variety of projects on and around the railroad and we hope everyone had a good time.

The project schedule for 2025 work sessions will be announced in January and registration will open in March.

2025 work session dates will be:

  • Session A May 26-30 Antonito
  • Session B June 2-6 Antonito
  • Session C June 16-20 Chama and Antonito
  • Session D June 23-27 Chama and Antonito
  • Session E July 28 – August 1 Antonito
  • Session F August 4-8 Antonito
  • Session G September 22-26 Antonito

Looking forward to seeing you at a work session in 2025!

Work sessions continue in Colorado Springs for the rest of 2024 and into 2025 on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays in the month.


2024 RESTORATION PROJECT PLAN & SCHEDULE - Contains All projects for the calendar year, choose to print in color or gray.
Volunteer Handbook – Description of the Friends Volunteer Program (R-1).
Registration For Scheduled Work Sessions – Includes All Scheduled 2024 Work Sessions (R-2) - Updated 6/3/24
Bunk Car Antonito CRF – Procedures and registration required (R-6)
Friends Safety Manual – All Volunteers must read Part 1 if volunteering for a work session (R-8) - Updated 4/28/24
Lodging for Alamosa, Antonito and Chama – provides discounts, Requirements and details (R-9) - Updated 4/27/24
Engraved Members Name Badge – Plastic with black engraving and clip (R-10)
WORK SESSION T-SHIRT FOR 2024 – Submit the completed form to the office (R-11)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Safety Equipment at cost for members, order form is included (R-12).
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards – Treatment of Historic Properties for Preservation, Rehabilitation, Restoration or Reconstruction (R-17).
Pikes Peak Trolley Museum Membership Application – Membership is required for all COS Work Site Volunteers (R-29).