JOHN S. ENGS | Colorado Springs, CO

Friends volunteer for the past 23 years, has worked on several major restoration and reconstruction projects. Most notable are conversion of P-Box 457 back to a Boxcar, now museum Car 3533, and a crown jewel, the 9-year project for operational reconstruction of steam Pile Driver ‘OB’ at the COS Work Site. Along with seven other volunteers he is part of the operating crew demonstrating OB to the public. Presently they are completing another jewel, an 11-year project reconstructing an 1889 Tourist Sleeper Car 470, returning it to its original condition when leaving the Pullman factory. John has had several careers: first, 22 years in the fire service retiring as a deputy fire chief; second, a career as owner and operation manager of a fire alarm company for 30 years; third and present is his involvement with the Friends. John has served as site leader for the COS Work Site since 2007. He provided support to the Projects Committee as purchasing agent for wood products, in 2009 he was elected to the Board of Directors and in 2010 became co-chair of the Projects Committee. He is currently Projects Committee chair and fills the site leader position at many work sessions. When not in Antonito or Chama he is the site leader at the Colorado Springs work site, a year around operation. He frequently represents the Friends as a speaker for various railroad and public group gatherings. John openly admits his third career is a challenge but an enjoyable one. John is asking for your support as we continue the challenge of moving the Friends organization into the future.