Historical Collections
Our historical photos are comprised of eight (8) separate collections featuring the narrow-gauge railroads of New Mexico and Colorado, with over 30,000 photos. The original photos are in permanent, archival storage, but the digital images are available for viewing and purchasing/downloading. Plus, our searchable database allows you to search each collection for specific photos or photo categories thanks to a group of devoted FRIENDS who have organized, catalogued, reviewed and scanned the original images into a searchable database. You may purchase photos from the collections below directly from http://ngtrainpics.photoshelter.com for $4.95 each. If you are a FRIENDS member, you may purchase the photos for $2.50 each plus shipping by sending us an email with a list of the desired photos to DormanCollection@CumbresToltec.org; we will send the photos on a CD-ROM. If you have questions, please contact Wes Pfarner via the preceding email address or by calling the FRIENDS Office at 505-880-1311. If you have a historical (pre 1970) Colorado or New Mexico narrow gauge railroad photo collection that you would be interested in donating to FRIENDS, please contact Wes Pfarner or Tim Tenant at 505-880-1311 or email DormanCollection@CumbresToltec.org.

The late George Berkstresser (1928-2014) was a railfan whose 1,073 photographs, mostly from around Alamosa, were taken between the mid-1950s to the late 1970s.

Richard L. Dorman (1922-2010 ) was a dedicated railroad enthusiast, model railroader and author. His 24,797 photographs are from the 1880's to the present.

Thomas Gildersleeve (b. 1937) is an award- winning California photographer, published in many books. He was notably present for several D&RGW winter freights in the 1960s and has taken many other photographs since then of the C&TS and D&SNG railroads.

Ed Lowrance (d. 2017) took photos on the D&RGW National Park Service Excursion Train at the time there was a movement for NPS to take over the D&RGW narrow gauge for historical reasons.

Andrus (Andy) M. Payne (1925-2012) was a narrow-gauge engineer who worked out of Durango on the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad. His 2,270 photographs were taken from 1954 through 1978.

The late Ernie Robart (1947-2018) was a dedicated railfan and photographer from Albuquerque. We are currently in the process of cataloging the Western US narrow-gauge railroad images that are part of his 50,000+ railroad photo collection.

Russell Sperry (b. 1941) is a railfan photographer from California who recorded some of the D&RGW narrow gauge operations in the 1960's, including the last freights over Cumbres Pass in August 1968. He has also photographed the C&TS from its early days since 1970.

The photo collection of Gene R. Spence (1947-2011), a model railroader from Albuquerque, consists of 341 photos from the western narrow-gauge lines.

The John Guth Photo Collection consists of approximately 1,300 photos of C&TS snow removal from Chama to Cumbres in the spring of the 1900s.

The Stan Rhine Photo Collection consists of approximately 5,000 photos of structures and equipment of the narrow-gauge railroads in southwest Colorado and Northern New Mexico.

The John Russell Photo Collection consists of 83 photos of Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad captured during his visits to Alamosa, CO on three different occasions: August 26, 1958; September 16, 1964; and September 25, 1994, which show the differences in the Alamosa steam locomotive yard over time.

The John West Photo Collection consists of 228 images of narrow gauge on Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico, as well as of the Cumbres Toltec Scenic Railroad narrow gauge.
Our non-circulating library is located at the FRIENDS office in Albuquerque. We have a wealth of information covering the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad and the Denver & Rio Grande Western. To make arrangements to access the library or request documents please email Library@cumbrestoltec.org.
Click here to Access our Library Database
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