The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Donations

The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad stands as a cherished icon of the American West, nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the San Juan Mountains. For decades, this historic narrow-gauge railway has captivated travelers with its rich history, natural beauty, and unparalleled charm. However, preserving and operating a railway of this magnitude requires ongoing support from dedicated individuals like you. Thankfully, making a donation to The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad is easier than ever, and every contribution plays a vital role in ensuring the railway's continued success and sustainability.

Ways to Donate

There are several ways to make a donation to The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, each offering a unique opportunity to support the railway's preservation efforts. One of the simplest ways to donate is by visiting The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad donation page and donating directly. From there, you'll be able to donate to join as a FRIENDS Member, a FRIENDS Donor, or choose to donate directly to projects by The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad that mean the most to you. These donations include:

Donate to Honor a Loved One or Celebrate a Special Occasion

Make a lasting tribute by donating to the FRIENDS of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad in memory of a loved one, a friend, or to celebrate a special occasion. When making your donation, you can include the name of the person you'd like to honor and any special message you'd like to share.

Donate to The FRIENDS' Historic Photo Collection

The FRIENDS' acquisition of the Dorman Collection, along with many other notable collections, has positioned their library as one of the most significant railroad archives in the nation. Your contribution will be instrumental in ensuring the continued documentation, scanning, labeling, and preservation of these invaluable collections. This allows narrow-gauge rail enthusiasts from across the globe to appreciate these historic photos for generations to come.

Be a Champion for the Cumbres & Toltec!

Your unrestricted gift to the FRIENDS' General Fund fuels the heart of our organization.  Every contribution, big or small, helps us meet our critical day-to-day needs, such as:

  • Insurance and utilities
  • Supporting our dedicated staff and volunteers
  • Funding docent programs to educate visitors
  • Providing resources for work sessions to keep the railroad running smoothly
  • Covering general administrative costs

By donating to the General Fund, you empower the FRIENDS to strategically allocate your support wherever it's needed most.

Donate to Our Live Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Webcam

The FRIENDS' Chama Railyard Webcams bring the wonder of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad directly to you, 24/7, no matter where you are located. With your contribution, you help us maintain these webcams, ensuring smooth operation, timely repairs, and even future expansion of the network. Railroad enthusiasts worldwide are given a virtual front-row seat to witness the majesty of the Cumbres & Toltec in real time.

Support the Legacy: Donate to The FRIENDS' Year-End Appeal

When we approach the close of another year, the FRIENDS of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad call upon your generosity to fuel our mission for the year ahead. Your year-end contribution will directly address critical needs and propel our ongoing efforts to preserve, restore, and celebrate this historic railroad. The impact of your donation is further amplified by the countless volunteer hours dedicated by our passionate members.

Support The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad:
Donate to the PNGPF Fund

Another great cause you can consider donating to is The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad's Preserving Narrow Gauge Past for the Future (PNGPF) Fund, an initiative dedicated to the restoration and interpretation of the railway's rich heritage. Your contributions to this ongoing campaign provide vital financial resources for restoring historic freight cars, line-side structures, maintenance-of-way equipment, and passenger cars.

Additionally, donations support work session assistance and help fund the implementation of the master interpretive plan along the railway's 64-mile line. Every dollar donated helps FRIENDS of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad fulfill its core mission of preserving and celebrating the history of this iconic railway.

The Impact of Your Donation

Your donation to The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad has a far-reaching impact that extends beyond the tracks themselves. Every dollar contributed helps fund essential preservation and restoration projects, ensuring that historic locomotives, carriages, and stations are meticulously maintained for future generations to enjoy.

With your support, you help enable the railway to implement sustainable practices and conservation efforts that protect the pristine wilderness along its route. By providing a generous donation to The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, you're fostering economic growth, supporting local communities, and helping to preserve this historic railway for generations to come.

Take a Moment to Donate to The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad Today

As you explore the scenic beauty and rich history of The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, consider making a donation to support its preservation and operation. Your generosity ensures that this beloved railway continues to captivate and inspire travelers. To make a donation or learn more about how you can support The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad, visit us online here. Together, we can ensure that The Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad remains a cherished symbol for countless generations.