Web Cam Support

For those of you who enjoy watching the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad are very much aware of the Friends camera’s located in the Chama Rail Yard.  These cameras offer excellent viewing of the activity in the yard plus the departures and arrivals of C&TS trains.

As the saying goes “there is no free lunch” and in the case of these cameras and what it takes to provide the viewing to a worldwide audience, there is a cost associated to providing this.  There are monthly costs which the Friends must cover to provide this service and then if equipment failures arise there is that expense to replace.

Over the years many of you have contributed towards keeping these cameras operating for everyone’s enjoyment.  The time has come when we need to ask for some financial help so the organization can continue to maintain plus pay for the monthly costs of operating these cameras.

We appreciate your consideration in providing a gift which allows the Friends to keep the Chama web cams functional.
